COVID-19 Questions or Concerns?

Safe and Face to Face

Together, we each can do our own part to make our Concordia community a safe and healthy environment


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Vaccines are strongly encouraged

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For Students

Students on the bluff

Information about classes, housing, health care, support funds and more

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For Faculty/Staff


Information about teaching resources, workplace health and safety, employee-specific resources and more

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Vaccine and mask policy


COVID-19 vaccinations are still the safest and most effective way to prevent serious illness or death related to the virus and any variants. While Concordia is not mandating vaccinations, we highly encourage them. Please consider getting your vaccination.

Mask update 08/03/2022

Masks are optional, welcome, and available at major entrances.

If campus COVID-19 infection rates begin to increase again, if there is a sizable outbreak on campus, or if local healthcare agency guidance concerning masks changes, campus mask guidelines will be revisited and communicated to the campus community.

What’s next?

We will continue to closely monitor both campus and local COVID-19 infection rates. Campus guidance for masks, testing, and other health measures will be evaluated on a weekly basis, and any changes will be communicated to the campus community in a timely manner.

3 John 13-14: I had much to write to you, but I would rather not write with pen and ink. I hope to see you soon, and we will talk face to face.
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